Entertainment - NY Daily News

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Miss USA in Hot Water

Rima Fakih a 24yr old Lebanese immigrant wins the Miss USA competition. This is the first time a Muslim has won and at a time when Arabs are being stereotyped, this is a step up for them. Unfortunately theres already scandal brewing up for the young women, pictures of her pole dancing wearing shorts and a tank top in a night club for a radiow show in 2007 have just been brought up to the media. I've seen the pictures and to be honest they are not as bad as the news is making them sound, its not as if shes naked and worst pictures have been seen of past winners. Fakih was born in Srifa, a village in southern Lebanon that was heavily bombed during the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war. She moved to the United States with her family in 1993 and attended a Catholic school in New York. Her family moved to Michigan in 2003. The family knew that being of muslim descent would play a role in the competition but the host of the show claims that her race and religion were not issues and that hopefully she was only judged on her beauty and elegance. In my opinion her race should not even be an issue but I would see why people might have a problem with it followin september 11, but shes only one person and her chances of winning shoulkd not be lessened due to the actions taken on by others.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mr. Cameron

David Cameron is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, he now has to explain to his people why the country is going bankrupt. To illustrate this I used two different soures, Foxnews and Nypost.

-Foxnews compared David's crisis to that of Winston Churchill who fought for Germany in support of communism.

-Nypost compared it to John kennedy's memorable speech for help.

-Foxnews used pictures to ilustrate their points.

-Nypost gave their points in writing without the use of metaphors.

- Foxnews gave more understanding while Nypost made it complex.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Insomniac City

This was beautifully written, I liked the way u added visuals to the story which enabled me to guess what's going on. "Sometimes I’d sit in the kitchen in the dark and gaze out at the Empire State and Chrysler buildings. Such a beautiful pair, so impeccably dressed, he in his boxy suit, every night a different hue, and she, an arm’s length away, in her filigreed skirt the color of the moon."How lovely. The entire piece is wonderful, I wish I was able to move there, you made it sound so great. The NY Times should give you a raise, they aren't paying you nearly enough for such stellar writing. Maybe then you'll sleep much sounder. The first time i visited Manhattan was in 2008, I was shocked by the epic sights, the buildings were so high, I just wanted to stay there forever. Unfortunately, I had to leave but I still visit there every chance I get.

Kissing Cousins

This article is about Neanderthals and their history, the editor gives reasonable detais of where they originated from and where they eventually died out. Also something which interested me was their features and how much they differed from us. From their bones we know that Neanderthals were bigger and stronger than us “anatomically modern humans,” and they had larger skulls that boasted prominent eyebrow ridges. I find it strange that people believe, that if a species has evolved from another one, the older species has to have died out. What if this was'nt exactly true and imagine how cool it would be if all the past types of human, were still around today, all the different art, culture and languages that would exist. Although they would be some complications it would still be interesting. Many speculate on the demise of neanderthals som claiming that they did indeed interbreed (vigorously and frequently) and the original "pure" species simply faded away, drowned in the modern European genetic pool. Maybe originating red-headed Celts, Skandies and stocky Basques. Hopefully advanced genetic tools plus lucky fossil findings someday will bring more solid conclusions about this.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Terror Editorial

This is my opinion on "A Terror-Trial Farce." The story is about Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, on trial for the 1998 US embassy bombings in Africa. Ahmed wants to be spared the humiliation of a strip search for each court appearance. This guy thinks he deserves sympathy, maybe he shouldve thought about that before he became involved in those bombings. The defense recently made a plea that Ahmed suffered PTSD which is why he was unable to defend himself in court. About all the people in Africa who suffer from injuries due to that same bombing Ahmed, how do You think they feel? His pleas should not be made into effect because he does not deserve it. The main point of this editorial was to say that terrorist are being allowed to have civilian trials instead of remaining in Guantanao Bay and having their trial heard there. I agree with this editor that they should remain in the prison, having them in the public may be extremely dangerous and a hazard to the city.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Car Bombing Editorial

Dear Editor,

Sorry but your editorial The curse of our times: We must remain vigilant, as terror targets city and nation, does not adress the proper means of evidence, clearly the man was just taking his shirt off due to the warm weather, accusations should not have been made. The video was way too short to associate it with anything more than what it was. The other point i wanted to make was why did you claim that it was part of an islamic plot? Why couldnt it have been justa random man having a bad day? The viewer cannot even see the man, the grainy quality of the imagery is appalling at a time when crystal clear video technology is available at prices that are affordable to ordinary buyers. The video shows a man changing his clothes in full view of a camera and then throwing his clothes in an alley close by the government and the media are trying to insult your intelligence by making it seem as if what he did was suspicious. My opinion is that the man in the camera will wind up as an innocent bystander and the truck will wind up stolen. This is just a story blown too far off proportion, next time I'm hot and in midtown, I'll be sure to keep my shirt on or else I may become the suspect in a terror plot.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Noahs Arc found???

Yeung Wing-Cheung claims that he and his team has found the remains of Noahs Arc. They filmed inside the structure and took wood samples that were later analyzed in Iran, he claims the wood was carbon-dated to around the reputed time of Noah's flood. Yeung said that he is "99 percent certain that it is Noah's Ark based on historical accounts, including the bible and local beliefs of the people in the area, as well as carbon dating." This to me does not seem valid, not that Im trying to deny their claim but the organic material should have disintegrated in the last 5,000 years. He is only the latest in a long line of people who claim to have found Noah's Ark. In fact, there have been at least half a dozen others who have claimed final, definitive proof of Noah's Ark. So far none of the claims have proven true, so how can we believe this guy. Yeung refuses to disclose the location of the find and is instead keeping it a secret. The team has come up with a large amount of artifaacts and videos from the area but nothing matched the hype and the story is still shady. People believe what they chose to believe in, whose to say if this is truely Noahs Arc or just a batch of wood. History has showed us that amazing things can happen but as far as this goes I'm not going along with the story but if this does prove to be rue then that would be cool but there will always be doubts.