Entertainment - NY Daily News

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Noahs Arc found???

Yeung Wing-Cheung claims that he and his team has found the remains of Noahs Arc. They filmed inside the structure and took wood samples that were later analyzed in Iran, he claims the wood was carbon-dated to around the reputed time of Noah's flood. Yeung said that he is "99 percent certain that it is Noah's Ark based on historical accounts, including the bible and local beliefs of the people in the area, as well as carbon dating." This to me does not seem valid, not that Im trying to deny their claim but the organic material should have disintegrated in the last 5,000 years. He is only the latest in a long line of people who claim to have found Noah's Ark. In fact, there have been at least half a dozen others who have claimed final, definitive proof of Noah's Ark. So far none of the claims have proven true, so how can we believe this guy. Yeung refuses to disclose the location of the find and is instead keeping it a secret. The team has come up with a large amount of artifaacts and videos from the area but nothing matched the hype and the story is still shady. People believe what they chose to believe in, whose to say if this is truely Noahs Arc or just a batch of wood. History has showed us that amazing things can happen but as far as this goes I'm not going along with the story but if this does prove to be rue then that would be cool but there will always be doubts.

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