Entertainment - NY Daily News

Thursday, April 22, 2010

5 steps to Greener Living

Today is Earth Day and the world is at its deepest ditch, many do not contribute their part but i think its mainly due to to the fact that they don't know what they can do. Every little thing can help our environment, these are 5 steps to better and greener living.

1. Make the switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs- if every American household were to swap just one bulb to CFL, we would save enough energy to light more than 2.5 million homes for a year and prevent greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions of nearly 800,000 cars.

2. Monitor your thermostat- Check the thermostat durring the seasons and make a note of where it is then change it up two degrees in the warmer months, and down two degrees when it's cold.

3. Clean or replace your air conditioning filter- Air conditioning filters can get dirty in a matter of days, a clogged one has to work harder which means higher electricity bills.

4. Unplug electronic devices when not in use- Devices such as televisions with standby modes can use up to half the power they would draw when turned on, so why not just unplug the devices, its not that much work and it will definetly save more.

5. Bring the bikes back!!- Bicycles are the most efficient way to go green, wouldnt you rather burn calories then burn your wallet? Some contries are dependent on bike riding and significant cahnges have been made to their way of life and the economy.

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