Entertainment - NY Daily News

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Orphaned, Raped and Ignored

My teacher gave me a link to a story of genocide and humanitarian crimes going on in Eastern Congo.This story was very gruesome and difficult to read because it describe the life of a young girl named Chance Tombola and how her parents were killed by armed soldiers from an extremist Hutu militia. The soldiers kidnapped her two sisters and her two cousins later on when she moved in with her aunt and uncle where she witnessed her uncles mother by the same men who killed her parents. It was not yet over for the young Chance who was then raped by one of the men and watched her aunt get raped six times as well. I did not know this what was going on in Congo, more people should be aware of this in order for it to stop happening. For Chance Tombola life will never be the same and by reading her story we will learn how bad it is over there and how in dire need these civilians are for help. Due to the rape Chance contracted a STD and still from this day suffers pain when she urinates. Chance will also have difficulty finding a husband because men in Congo reject the women who were raped and think of them as tainted merchandise.

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