Entertainment - NY Daily News

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Noahs Arc found???

Yeung Wing-Cheung claims that he and his team has found the remains of Noahs Arc. They filmed inside the structure and took wood samples that were later analyzed in Iran, he claims the wood was carbon-dated to around the reputed time of Noah's flood. Yeung said that he is "99 percent certain that it is Noah's Ark based on historical accounts, including the bible and local beliefs of the people in the area, as well as carbon dating." This to me does not seem valid, not that Im trying to deny their claim but the organic material should have disintegrated in the last 5,000 years. He is only the latest in a long line of people who claim to have found Noah's Ark. In fact, there have been at least half a dozen others who have claimed final, definitive proof of Noah's Ark. So far none of the claims have proven true, so how can we believe this guy. Yeung refuses to disclose the location of the find and is instead keeping it a secret. The team has come up with a large amount of artifaacts and videos from the area but nothing matched the hype and the story is still shady. People believe what they chose to believe in, whose to say if this is truely Noahs Arc or just a batch of wood. History has showed us that amazing things can happen but as far as this goes I'm not going along with the story but if this does prove to be rue then that would be cool but there will always be doubts.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Malcolm X Killer Freed

Thomas Hagan, the only man who admitted his role in the 1965 assassination of black leader Malcolm X, was paroled Today. After spending 44 years in prison, he walks out at the age of 69. Since March, 1992 Hagan has been in a full-time work realease program that allowed him to live at home with his family in Brooklyn five days a week while reporting to the prison just two days. To me this does not seem fair, Malcolm is a huge part of our history and anyone involved in his murder I think should spend life in jail. Last month, Hagan pleaded his case for freedom, to return to his family, to become a substance abuse counselor and to make his mark on what time he has left in this world. "I have deep regrets about my participation in that," he told the parole board on March 3, according to a transcript. "I don't think it should ever have happened." said Hagan. He was sentenced to only 20 years in jail along with two others who may have participated in the gunning down of Malcolm X while he gave a speech in 1965. To win his release, He was required to seek, obtain and maintain a job, support his children and follow a curfew, he must continue to meet those conditions while free. Hagan speaks about the remorse he feels for what he did, but if you were so sorry, why do it at all? Well last month, he told the parole board he felt the urge to kill Malcolm X because of his inflammatory comments about the Nation's founder, and goes on to seek forgiveness by stating he did not fully understand what he was doing. To me thats just excuses, others may see it as being under the influence of radicals but Hagan must have had some sense to at least know what is wrong and right. Malcom X was a great man and would have been a great unifier if his life was'nt ended so soon.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sprint's first 4G Phone

The HTC Evo is the first commercially available 4G handset with a major U.S. carrier. The Evo is an attractive touch-screen device that closely resembles the HTC HD2, Its rich resolution and color support make for a pleasant browsing experience. The touch-screen is very accurate and responsive which gains a big thumbs up.

PHYSICALITY: Below the display are four touch controls for the home screen, main menu, search, and backing out of a page. There's physical navigation control, but that's fine since we rely on the touch screen for most navigation anyway. Other physical controls include a 3.5mm headset hack, a micro-USB port, a power control, and a volume rocker. The protruding camera lens for the 8.3-megapixel shooter sits in the rear face next to the flash and a VGA lens sits above the display for video calls.

This seems like an awesome phone and I would love to have it. The Evo 4G will be available this summer, but Sprint did not say anything about the pricing of the palns but sense tell me it will be a hefty price.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Facebook "like" Button

Facebook this week introduced a new way to express your interests, a "Like" button that's set to appear all around the web. Click the button, and the Web page is shared with your friends. Every like button you submit will be sent back to facebook and will help them serve your needs better. Twitter has already planned a counter-act with the "retweet" but since a significant amount of people have facebook accounts (4 times as much) they settled for the like button instead. Visit CNN or Mashable or Technologizer, click the "Like" button, and that information is posted to your Facebook page. (Though CNN's button is still labeled "Recommend" -- maybe they didn't get the memo.) Meanwhile, if your Facebook friends also like what you like, you can find that out too, again without ever visiting Facebook. This is a great application but theres one thing I dislike about it, your Facebook friends roster will be full of people you barely know. Facebook is making a play to become the single-sign-on and social-sharing engine for every major site on the Net. Is it safe to say that Facebook is taking things too far, YES, but can you blame them, NO, the're intentions of taking over are purely reasonable. Now all they need to do is get a "Dislike" button and that will be enough. If you havent tried it yet, do that then tell me what u think about it.

5 steps to Greener Living

Today is Earth Day and the world is at its deepest ditch, many do not contribute their part but i think its mainly due to to the fact that they don't know what they can do. Every little thing can help our environment, these are 5 steps to better and greener living.

1. Make the switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs- if every American household were to swap just one bulb to CFL, we would save enough energy to light more than 2.5 million homes for a year and prevent greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions of nearly 800,000 cars.

2. Monitor your thermostat- Check the thermostat durring the seasons and make a note of where it is then change it up two degrees in the warmer months, and down two degrees when it's cold.

3. Clean or replace your air conditioning filter- Air conditioning filters can get dirty in a matter of days, a clogged one has to work harder which means higher electricity bills.

4. Unplug electronic devices when not in use- Devices such as televisions with standby modes can use up to half the power they would draw when turned on, so why not just unplug the devices, its not that much work and it will definetly save more.

5. Bring the bikes back!!- Bicycles are the most efficient way to go green, wouldnt you rather burn calories then burn your wallet? Some contries are dependent on bike riding and significant cahnges have been made to their way of life and the economy.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Upcoming Summer Movies

Summer is just around the corner and this year has produced some of the greates movies (Avatar) and believe it or not more are on the way. Inception (July 16)- It's about a group of dream thieves who slip into the subconscious minds of people while they are sleeping and steal ideas for corporate gain, sounds insane and awesome. The Kids are All Right (July 7th)- A dark comedy about what happens when two kids conceived by artificial insemination invite their father into their lives. Iron Man 2 (May 7) -The title speaks for itself, its gonna be great. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Times- Inspired by the game Jake Gyllenhaal attacks this famous character. What movie are you looking forward to?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Earth Day 2010

April 22, 2010 will mark the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, which made environmental protection a national issue and owes its founding to a dedicated public servant. The idea for Earth Day was former Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson’s, a remarkable senator who set out to make the world a better place so that our children and our childrens children have an opportunity. Everyone can participate during earthday, some activities include going to your local park and helping clean it up or simply staying home and disconecting plugs when not in use and shortening the amount of water you use.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

iPhone OS 4.0

The new version of the iPhone's new software is coming soon and it is said to have a combination of the iPhone and the iPod Touch. Sources say that it may include multitasking, integrading ads, borrowing from the iPad, folders and sorting, tethering (the ability to share your phone's cellular connection with other devices, such as a computer), better voice control, profiles, mass storage capability, new way to handle large files, built-in photo editing, and flash compatibility. Although these things are not yet confirmed, they sure do sound like an awesome improvement. When version 4.0 of the software will be available for download still isn't clear but they will be previews of the new features soon. I do not have an iPhone but if all these new features are true then I might just have to go out there and purchase one.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Strongest Drug in the World

Ever heard of a drug that will eliminate your free will? Bet you havent, but in Colombia exists a drug of this magnitude. It is called scopolamine and it seemed to be so completely out there and impossible to comprehend . It is obtained from plants of the family Solanaceae. In some cases the drug has caused confusion, agitation, rambling speech, hallucinations, paranoid behaviors, and delusions. In medicine the drug can be used to treat nausea and motion sickness, intestinal crampingand as a general depressant and adjunct to narcotic painkillers. Even though the drug seems to have been helpful in treating some common cases as well as heping with addiction, I dont think it's worth the risk of dying. Scientists should run more tests on the drug to see if it can do more harm, but as far as taking it, I dont think people should take it.