Entertainment - NY Daily News

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Two and a Half Man

The great funny guy we all know Charlie Sheen is not theman he appears. Sources say that he's a threat on stage due to his alcohol addiction. My main source TMZ.com says that theyve been told information on the matter and learned people on the set got a memo saying they cannot convey any information about what happened on the set or in the production offices, and if they do they will be terminated. They are hiding his true persona for fear that the show may lose its publicity, but the whole world knows of his addiction, but they didnt expect him to be back on the wagon. This has most likely just been a mistake but Charlie is doing better and he's taking rehab seriously, he goes there after work. The show will remain funny and this is just an obstacle that he's going to need to straighten out before it gets too out of hand.

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